Our Activities and Objectives
Pathways2Resilience is supporting 100 regions and communities to create transformative climate
resilience strategies through an ambitious learning programme.
Climate impacts and adaptive capacities differ greatly across regions, from those already having
detailed knowledge of climate risks and risk mitigation measures, a diversity of competencies,
and well-functioning governance structures, to more vulnerable communities.
Depending on your resilience maturity, by applying to Pathways2Resilience, you will be able to
access tailored training, peer mentoring, and Innovation Practice Groups, developed by programme
experts and other regions in your group.
Regional Resilience Journey
The Pathways2Resilience learning programme and resources are underpinned by a rigorous theoretical
framework, the Regional Resilience Journey.
Throughout the 18 months of the programme, participating regions will have access to a wide range of
resources, tools and activities to go through its phases and create climate resilience strategies,
action plans, and investment plans.
Adaptation Finance Innovation Lab
The Adaptation Finance Innovation Lab helps Pathways2Resilience participating regions design innovative finance mechanisms and business models tailored to their context, as well as providing advice on adaptation finance and innovation policy. Learn more here.
Innovation Practice Groups
By participating to Pathways2Resilience, regions will have access to interactive working groups, organised by themes and involving a broad range of regional experts, citizen groups and practitioners.
Deep Dives
Deep Dives are communities of experts from different fields (including scientific, engagement, policy, and practice experts) aiming to exchange knowledge around key enabling conditions for climate resilience:
- Knowledge and data
- Governance, engagement and innovation
- Finances and resources, capabilities and skills
- Behavioural change
We will be holding regular Deep Dive sessions on these topics open to everyone, with the goal of generating insights and ideas to further support the Pathways2Resilience participating regions.
Discover our upcoming Deep Dives sessions

Mobilize regional interests and networks to leverage political commitment towards the Mission Adaptation, elevate the ambition and capability of regional public administrations and connect innovation agendas.
Trigger wide engagement of citizens and diverse stakeholders in the co-creation of these transformative climate resilience pathways in a way that builds on the best available expertise and multiple understanding of current and future climate risks and opportunities, fosters local ownership and ensures long-term impact.
Facilitate learning and capability development within and across networked regional cohorts and increase knowledge on adaptation options across different Key Community Systems (KCS), tailor-made to local challenges and needs.
Boost enabling conditions, including funding and financing, to develop, test and up-scale systemic innovative solutions that increase local climate resilience.
Mobilize regional interests and networks to leverage political commitment towards the Mission Adaptation, elevate the ambition and capability of regional public administrations and connect innovation agendas.
Trigger wide engagement of citizens and diverse stakeholders in the co-creation of these transformative climate resilience pathways in a way that builds on the best available expertise and multiple understanding of current and future climate risks and opportunities, fosters local ownership and ensures long-term impact.
Facilitate learning and capability development within and across networked regional cohorts and increase knowledge on adaptation options across different Key Community Systems (KCS), tailor-made to local challenges and needs.
Boost enabling conditions, including funding and financing, to develop, test and up-scale systemic innovative solutions that increase local climate resilience.